Dec 2, 2022 - Dec 3, 2022
10:00H - 13:00H
Data visualization has existed for centuries, first in the form of maps and since the 1800s, in the form of graphs. In the last decade, with the increase of data science and data journalism, data visualization is spreading to many aspects of our lives and has the potential to impact society widely, facilitating the explanation of complex data-driven issues to a wide audience that is not necessarily data or subject expert. But, as a larger amount and variety of data visualizations are created for topics that directly impact our day-to-day life, are these visualizations reaching everybody in society? How do we make them understandable for non-experts without losing the rigor of data science? How do we provide the context to avoid misinterpretations or biases?

The conference ‘Dataviz for Society’, co-organized by Digital Future Society and ViT Foundation will bring experts from all over the world, and from various specialized areas within the data and information visualization field, to discuss how we should design and disseminate data visualizations that are understandable for society at large and can have an impact on better understanding the world (and the universe) we live in. The conference will include talks about tools, methods, best practices, and real-world examples of successful visualizations for the masses.

The conference is aligned with the main topics of study and dissemination around Data Land and Open Government within the Digital Future Society Framework.

Also you can connect here for the streaming:




Montse Guardia
Montse Guardia
Chief Strategy Officer at Mobile World Capital Barcelona
Karma Peiró
Karma Peiró
Co-founder and Director of Visualization for Transparency Foundation (ViT)
Alyssa Goodman
Alyssa Goodman
Robert Wheeler Willson Professor of Applied Astronomy at Harvard University
Arvind Satyanarayan
Arvind Satyanarayan
Assistant Professor of Computer Science at MIT
Mercè Crosas
Mercè Crosas
Data researcher and technolgist, trained as an astrophysicist
Monica Ulmanu
Monica Ulmanu
Visual enterprise editor at The Washington Post
Rebecca Pazos
Rebecca Pazos
Data Visualization editor at SPH Media
Sara Chodosh
Sara Chodosh
Graphics editor at the New York Times
Xaquín G.V.
Xaquín G.V.
Co-founder and President of Visualization for Transparency Foundation (ViT)
Christophe Hurter
Christophe Hurter
Professor at the Interactive Data Visualization group of the French Civil Aviation University (ENAC)
Matthew Brehmer
Matthew Brehmer
Senior research staff member of Tableau Research
Arzu Çöltekin
Arzu Çöltekin
Professor of human-computer interaction from the University of Switzerland
Anton Bardera
Anton Bardera
Board member of Visualization for Transparency Foundation (ViT)
Alberto Cairo
Alberto Cairo
Knight Chair in Visual Journalism at the University of Miami
Javier Ideami
Javier Ideami
CEO Ideami, CoFounder of The Geniverse
Alejandro Martín
Alejandro Martín
Senior Lecturer at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Pere-Pau Vazquez
Pere-Pau Vazquez
Associate professor at UPC