El Digital Future Society Think Tank lleva a cabo investigaciones y diálogos orientados a la acción en torno a desafíos éticos, legales y de inclusión con el objetivo de proponer nuevos principios, estrategias y soluciones relevantes.
El Think Tank opera con una visión global y un enfoque intersectorial para explorar los desafíos y oportunidades que surgen del diseño, uso y gobernanza de las tecnologías digitales. Las soluciones y recomendaciones de políticas resultantes del trabajo del DFS Think Tank están diseñadas para capacitar a los responsables de políticas a anticipar los desafíos y aprovechar las oportunidades de la era digital.
El Digital Future Society Lab ofrece un entorno para experimentar con estos resultados mediante la implementación de iniciativas locales para crear prototipos, poner a prueba y compartir lecciones y mejores prácticas en torno al gobierno de las tecnologías digitales.
Grupos de trabajo
Business models that reinforce transparency and privacy
Opaque business models make it harder to trace the collection, use, and exploitation of personal data. How can policymakers identify and support SMEs with business models that reinforce transparency
and privacy when it comes to data-handling practices?
Team – Digital Trust & Security
Where emerging tech meets government: blockchain and AI
When it comes to emerging technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence, governments face major challenges in separating hype from reality and making sense of competing narratives around each technology and its impact.
Team – Public Innovation
Policy making in the digital era: govtech and citizen engagement
At a time when public trust in institutions is low, governments worldwide are seeking new ways to involve citizens in policymaking. But does technology help or hinder when it comes to participation?
Team – Public Innovation
Digital cooperation to bridge digital divides
Bridging the gap between the private sector and policymakers is an essential first step in bridging digital divides. A more nuanced, holistic and actionable understanding of how stakeholders must collaborate in the digital era is therefore required; not only at the level of the individual of access to the internet, but with a view to reducing socioeconomic disparities and promoting
equitable growth across society as a whole.
Team – Equitable Growth
The future of workers and the rise of digital labour platforms
The rise of digital labour platforms generates new challenges
for policymakers, employers,social protection institutions and workers, while it also makes visible
other underlying challenges connected to the wider issue of the rise of atypical forms work in general.
Team – Equitable Growth
Data ethics and the challenge of digital privacy
The landscape of data ethics is complex, and many challenges emerge when trying to define and engage with it, especially when nascent digital technologies such as artificial intelligence or edge computing are involved. What kind of data governance tools and solutions can help transform ethical principles into practice?
Team – Digital Trust & Security
Business models that reinforce transparency and privacy
Opaque business models make it harder to trace the collection, use, and exploitation of personal data. How can policymakers identify and support SMEs with business models that reinforce transparency
and privacy when it comes to data-handling practices?
Team – Digital Trust & Security
Where emerging tech meets government: blockchain and AI
When it comes to emerging technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence, governments face major challenges in separating hype from reality and making sense of competing narratives around each technology and its impact.
Team – Public Innovation
Policy making in the digital era: govtech and citizen engagement
At a time when public trust in institutions is low, governments worldwide are seeking new ways to involve citizens in policymaking. But does technology help or hinder when it comes to participation?
Team – Public Innovation
Digital cooperation to bridge digital divides
Bridging the gap between the private sector and policymakers is an essential first step in bridging digital divides. A more nuanced, holistic and actionable understanding of how stakeholders must collaborate in the digital era is therefore required; not only at the level of the individual of access to the internet, but with a view to reducing socioeconomic disparities and promoting
equitable growth across society as a whole.
Team – Equitable Growth
The future of workers and the rise of digital labour platforms
The rise of digital labour platforms generates new challenges
for policymakers, employers,social protection institutions and workers, while it also makes visible
other underlying challenges connected to the wider issue of the rise of atypical forms work in general.
Team – Equitable Growth
Data ethics and the challenge of digital privacy
The landscape of data ethics is complex, and many challenges emerge when trying to define and engage with it, especially when nascent digital technologies such as artificial intelligence or edge computing are involved. What kind of data governance tools and solutions can help transform ethical principles into practice?
Team – Digital Trust & Security
Business models that reinforce transparency and privacy
Opaque business models make it harder to trace the collection, use, and exploitation of personal data. How can policymakers identify and support SMEs with business models that reinforce transparency
and privacy when it comes to data-handling practices?
Team – Digital Trust & Security