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DFS Voices: Mobile data to model and aggregate human behaviour.


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Nuria Oliver is a computer scientist.

She holds a Ph.D. from the Media Lab at MIT. She is the first female computer scientist in Spain to be named an ACM Distinguished Scientist and an ACM Fellow. She is also a Fellow of the European Association of Artificial Intelligence and an IEEE Fellow; a member of the Academia Europaea; and the fourth and youngest female member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering. In 2018 she was named Engineer of the Year by the Professional Association of Telecommunication Engineers of Spain and she received an honorary doctorate from the University Miguel Hernandez. She is well known for her work in computational models of human behavior, human computer-interaction, intelligent user interfaces, mobile computing and big data for social good. She is the named inventor of 41 patents.  


Nuria recently received the Jaume I New Technologies award for her contributions to the application of Artificial Intelligence. “She has developed fundamental scientific-technological contributions in Artificial Intelligence methods for modelling human behaviour from big data sources. She has been a pioneer in the use of dynamic graphical models to recognise human interactions, with application to health and welfare systems, among other fields".