Digital Divides

There is not a single gap. Digital divides also exist in contexts with broad and mature Internet access. They directly refer to the access and affordability of technology, but also encompass a more global and granular understanding of the challenges and contextual elements that can contribute to fostering or reinforcing digital exclusion among certain groups or populations. Digital divides can refer to citizenship, the public sector, and businesses, and should be considered beyond the existence and quality of access and its affordability. They should include:

(a) the set of digital skills and traditional literacy, including critical thinking and entrepreneurial capacity, even in professional contexts;

(b) the use of ICTs and the Internet, and the ability to create real value in the digital context;

(c) the existence of conducive conditions, including affordability, digital identification, financial inclusion, trust, and security.


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Digital Inclusion: Is technology inclusive enough?

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Beyond digital access as a human right in cities

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Digital Gender Gap: Bridging the digital divide?

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