Global perspectives on women, work, and digital labour platforms
A collection of articles from around the world on women’s experiences of digital labour platforms
The rise of digital labour platforms has attracted the attention of the media, regulators, and academics. A vast amount of literature and commentary has been produced over the last few years. However, with some exceptions, there continues to be important knowledge gaps about the gender dynamics that exist in the platform economy and about women’s experiences of platform work across different economic and social realities.
To help fill this gap Digital Future Society is publishing Global Perspectives on Women, Work and Digital Labour Platforms, a collection of 10 articles written by 26 gig economy experts.
10 articles about key issues concerning women engaged in digital platform work
Edited by
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Global Perspectives on Women, Work and Digital Labour Platforms
Absent a concerted policy push, women workers of digital labour platforms will experience gender-based discrimination in hiring practices, lower wages than men and a higher risk of harassment.
To ensure decent work on online labour platforms would require not only looking at the fields of labour law that provide labour and social protection, but also other fields of law and policy such as competition law, and the emerging law governing algorithms.
“Working online brings freedom — I can spend more time with my loved ones. But being a woman and running a business online is not an easy thing.”
Other DFS Think Tank publications on digital labour platforms
The Digital Future Society Think Tank undertakes and commissions research on the impact of technology on society, with a special focus on the design, use and regulation of technology. One of our current areas of research is the future of work and specifically the expansion and impact of digital labour platforms.