Bridging the Digital Divide: Strategies for Inclusive Digitalisation in Metropolises

In today’s digital age, equal access to technology and the internet is crucial for inclusive ...
Tags: 'Digital Divides'

Practical guide: Using qualitative methods to study digital divides in specific groups

In an increasingly digital world, equitable access to technology and the internet is essential for ...
Tags: 'Digital Divides'

Incorporating new assistive technologies into elder care and the related ethical challenges

The increasing use of technology in elder care is a significant development in addressing the ...
Tags: 'Digital Divides'

Gen Z and digital inclusion: moving beyond digital natives to address digital access among youth

Digital technology has advanced at such a rapid pace that different generations often appear to ...
Tags: 'Digital Divides'


Join Marta Meneu, a 24-year-old, as she explores urban and digital life in Barcelona. Listen ...
Tags: 'Digital Divides'

How to develop digital inclusion surveys at the municipal level

Although urban zones have broader and higher quality internet coverage than rural zones, digital divides ...
Tags: 'Digital Divides'

Towards accountable algorithms: tools and methods for responsible use

As the implementation of algorithms advances in an increasing number of contexts and sectors, the ...

Humanistic neurotechnology: a new opportunity for Spain

The world is mobilising resources to alleviate the human suffering and economic burdens associated with ...

A collection of interviews: Ethical and social challenges posed by the future metaverse

The term ‘metaverse’ was coined by author Neal Stephenson in his 1992 science fiction novel, ...
Digital Trust  | 

Beyond digital access as a human right in cities

Proposing an integrated, multi-dimensional approach
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Las plataformas digitales de cuidados y sus servicios workertech en América Latina y el Caribe

Análisis de un sector incipiente
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Algorithms in the public sector: four case studies of ADMS in Spain

Case Studies
Tags: 'ADMS' 'Algorithm' 'Artificial Intelligence' 'Blockchain' 'Data ethics' 'Digital Divides' 'digital future society' 'Digital Humanism' 'Privacy' 'Technoethics'
Digital Trust  | 

Towards a meaningful human oversight of automated decision-making systems

With the increasing uptake of automation tools in the public sector, policymakers, government officials and ...
Tags: 'ADMS' 'Algorithm' 'Artificial Intelligence' 'Blockchain' 'Data breach' 'Data ethics' 'Digital Divides' 'digital emergency' 'digital future society' 'Digital Humanism' 'Digital Rights' 'Ethics in the use of data' 'GDPR' 'Technoethics'

Global perspectives on women, work, and digital labour platforms

A collection of articles from around the world on women’s experiences of digital labour platforms
Tags: 'ADMS' 'Algorithm' 'Artificial Intelligence' 'Blockchain' 'Data breach' 'Data ethics' 'Digital Divides' 'digital emergency' 'Digital Humanism' 'digital labour platform' 'digital platform work' 'digital platform work Spain' 'Digital Rights' 'gender perspective' 'gig economy' 'platform economy' 'platform labour home care'

I am human: un taller sobre el humanismo tecnológico

Barcelona aspira a posicionarse como capital del humanismo tecnológico a través de un labor estratégica ...
Digital Trust  | 

Algorithmic discrimination in Spain: limits and potential of the legal framework

The use of applications based on artificial intelligence (AI) is causing mounting concerns and posing ...
Tags: 'ADMS' 'Algorithm' 'Artificial Intelligence' 'Data breach' 'Data ethics' 'Digital Divides' 'digital emergency' 'digital future society' 'Digital Humanism' 'Digital Rights' 'Digital transformation' 'gender perspective'

The digital emergency

The challenge of achieving an inclusive digital transformation across Barcelona and the metropolitan area

Reflections on what it would mean for Barcelona to become the capital of technological humanism

Over the last three years, the term humanismo tecnológico (technological humanism) has become increasingly popular ...
Tags: 'Digital Divides' 'digital emergency' 'digital future society' 'Digital Humanism' 'Digital Rights' 'Ethics in the use of data' 'Technoethics'
Digital Trust  | 

Beauty platform workers and their customers in India

Gendered practices on digital platforms

AI and Spain’s climate change and decarbonisation agenda

An opportunity to lead on the global stage

Governing algorithms

Perils and powers of AI in the public sector
Tags: 'ADMS' 'Algorithm' 'Artificial Intelligence' 'Blockchain' 'Data ethics' 'digital emergency' 'digital future society' 'Emerging technologies' 'Public innovation'

Platform-to-business regulation

Maximising the opportunities the P2B regulation offers SMEs and platforms in Spain and abroad
Tags: 'digital emergency' 'digital future society' 'Digital transformation' 'Operational data' 'P2B regulation' 'platform to business' 'SMEs'

Platform economy and COVID-19

A look at delivery, home care, and online freelance work in Spain and Latin America ...
Tags: 'Algorithm' 'digital emergency' 'digital future society' 'digital labour platform' 'digital platform work' 'digital platform work Spain' 'domestic work' 'future of work' 'gig economy' 'labour platform' 'platform economy' 'platform labour home care' 'platform work'

Home care and digital platforms in Spain

Spain’s Ley de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal y Atención a las Personas en Situación ...
Tags: 'digital future society' 'digital labour platform' 'digital platform work' 'digital platform work Spain' 'domestic work' 'future of work' 'gender perspective' 'gig economy' 'platform economy' 'platform labour home care'

Policy brief: emerging technologies, a lever to tackle urban challenges in the climate decade

The case of Barcelona
Tags: 'Artificial Intelligence' 'digital emergency' 'digital future society' 'Emerging technologies' 'Public innovation'

Digital platform work in Spain: what do we know?

A literature review
Tags: 'Algorithm' 'digital emergency' 'digital future society' 'digital labour platform' 'digital platform work' 'future of work' 'gyg economy' 'labour platform' 'platform work'

Inclusion by design: exploring gender responsive designs in digital welfare

Designing gender responsive ADMS
Tags: 'ADMS' 'Algorithm' 'Artificial Intelligence' 'Data breach' 'Public innovation'

Risks and opportunities of emerging technologies in the climate decade

Where emerging technologies meet the climate crisis

Gender bias in data: Towards gender equality in digital welfare

Addressing systemic inequalities and beyond

Dealing with disinformation

Strategies for digital citizen empowerment

Digital cooperation to bridge digital divides

Promoting digital literacy and equitable growth

Business models that reinforce trust, transparency and privacy

Exploring privacy-first business models for the digital era
Tags: 'Business Models' 'Data ethics' 'Privacy'

Measuring the margins: Improving global digital inclusion metrics

Many policymakers and organisations talk about digital inclusion: a means to empower citizens through access ...

Annual Report 2019

Digital Future Society Think Tank

The future of work in the digital era: the rise of labour platforms

The future of work has become a hot topic of discussion in recent years. Globalisation, ...
Tags: 'Algorithm' 'Business Models' 'Emerging technologies'

GovTech: a new driver of citizen participation?

Explore how GovTech enables public innovation to take on new dimensions

Towards Agenda 2030

Digital Future Society and the Sustainable Development Goals
Digital Trust  | 

Toward better data governance for all

Data ethics and privacy in the digital era
Tags: 'ADMS' 'Algorithm' 'Artificial Intelligence' 'Blockchain' 'Data breach' 'Data ethics' 'GDPR'

Where emerging tech meets government

Learn how AI and blockchains are disrupting public innovation
Tags: 'Emerging technologies' 'Public innovation'

Building a trustworthy digital business: Recommendations for SMEs

Building a trustworthy digital business: Recommendations for SMEs

Future Government. Design criteria for algorithmic systems

Algorithmic technology can fundamentally influence what a government does and how it operates. The integration ...